Digital Art Museum (Exhibition notes)

Published in Mottram, Candy and Kavanagh (Eds.), Creativity and Cognition, Proceedings of the 4th Creativity and Cognition Conference, Exhibition Papers and Posters, Loughborough University, Loughborough: LUSAD Publications, ISBN 1 900856 48 4, p.30

Digital Art Museum aims to become the world’s leading online resource for the history and practice of digital fine art. It already houses over a dozen of the world’s leading practitioners, including Manfred Mohr, Roman Verostko, Jean-Pierre Hebért, Joan Truckenbrod, Yoshiyuki Abe, Laurence Gartel, Mark Wilson, James Faure-Walker and A.Michael Noll.

Digital fine art, computer art, algorithmic art, digital art pioneers, online resource

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