Between 1993 and 1996 I worked
on a number of visual and technical themes. Developments in PC
hardware and software led me to re-write my software for the
Windows environment, using 24-bit graphics cards which were just
becoming available.
The first three of these images
represent a departure from previous work in that commercial software,
i.e. Photoshop, CorelDraw, and 3D Studio, were used in addition
to my own code. The fourth image was created with the Windows
version of PolyPaint.
The following images
came out of further work on the Sculptor system. This was rewritten
to run under Windows '95 and integrated the ray-tracer which
had previously been a separate programme, hence the new name
The following images
derive from texture-generating software, originally written as
stand-alone code, but now incorporated into RaySculpt. I use
the textures for backgrounds and also as 3D solid textures for